Saturday, December 29, 2007

Frustration and Birdseed

In my little world I have had so much frustration lately. My computer disk space is down from 37 GB to 43 MB. I keep getting popup edits and have deleted so much off my computer to try to stop the warnings. Even hasn't solved the problem. Well, on to more pleasant information.

Our especially terrible ice storm damaged my two huge old pin oak trees. I have so many branches to cut up and place near the road for pickup. The emergency tree trimmers sent by the power company saved me from losing electricity or cable when a huge branch twisted and dropped toward my lines. So many others south of here had no power for up to two weeks. I was so lucky.

Was Santa good to you? I attended several parties and got a few lovely gifts. I need so little, but got just the right gifts. One thing I bought myself was 50 pounds of birdseed and a bird feeder. I love to watch the squirrels "try" to eat out of it and the many blue jays, morning doves, dark-eyed juncos, cardinals, starlings, sparrows and indigo buntings. And last, but certainly not least, a hawk flew into my evergreen and attempted to catch birds or squirrels. He flew out, grumbled (I'm sure) and perched on a broken branch where I was able to photograph him from my dining room (above left). When he noticed me, he flew away. Soon a relieved squirrel crept out onto the upper branches of the evergreen, looked around, took a few deep breaths, and scampered away home to his nest in my north pin oak.

My Clarinda friend, Sandy Huseman and I were walking three to four times a week this fall. We have joined the Lied Center to give us an inside exercise location. I find snow scooping my sidewalk and steep driveway provide an alternate and exterior activity. Unfortunately my tri-weekly exercise schedule has gone by the wayside with our "stay off the roads" winter weather.

The Iowa caucus has generated hundreds of mailings and phone calls for most Iowa households. Luckily my cell phone number is not in the directory, but I have had many, many mailings to read and commercials to see on television. I have seen the following candidates "in person": Hillary three times, Obama once, Richardson once, Bidan once, Edwards twice and Dodd once. Our caucus is next Thursday. It will be the first time I will participate. Then things will quiet down for us.

I am not acknowledging depression, but I have found retirement a bit difficult. I used to quilt a lot when I was working. I had to fit it into my "spare" time around my job where I solved problems. Well, retirement does not have many time constraints or problems to solve. I have found I don't get much done. I have at least ten quilts (mine and for others) to be machine quilted. Let's hope I find "that fire" I used to have and have been seeking.

I hope you find whatever you are seeking. In only a few days we will be watching Australian fireworks and calling out "Happy New Year". Whether you watch "the ball drop" alone or with someone, I hope the new year brings peace to your heart and hearts all around the world.

And speaking of peace, I attached my quilt "On the Day God First Made the Stars" (above right) which has a calming effect on me.
FYI: I hope I eventually get "the hang" of inserting photos into the blog....BEFORE I type all the text. When I attach them afterwards, they (like cream) rise to the top.

Peace, Carlene