This is Addison. Her mother, my niece Julie Wainwright, took this enchanting picture. Needless to say, she is not always this angelic, but she is our girly girl and so very sweet.
I babysat for Addison the other day. For a dinner snack, she preferred the Ritz crackers, would eat some cheese, but had no interest in the carrots, potatoes and smoked sausage I had carefully cut into pieces. I found it necessary to keep a hand on the plate as I could see in her eyes that (once she had eaten all the Ritz crackers) she had a mind to tip that plate over on the floor. Since I stopped that action, she just picked up a carrot or potato and dropped it over the side of the table....and then watched for my reaction. Not being a parent, I was shocked. After she did it two more times, I got out the pudding and after spooning it to her, the meal was done. I loved her devilish little smile, but she still looked like a little angel.
I hope you see an angel this week, too.
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