Sunday, August 31, 2008

Where in the world is Carlene?

This summer in Iowa found me often in my basement quilting room. Besides being 10 degrees cooler than the main floor, I found myself actually "quilting". How shocking! I found that when I didn't have cable tv or cable internet, I turned my eyes to fabric and finished three more 100" square quilt tops. That is the good news!

But because I don't have cable internet, I haven't been blogging. The bad news in the equation.

As usual I am thwarted by my attempts to paste in photos. When I again have my cable internet, I'll catch you up with the latest quilts.

The news from Iowa is we are mighty dry after our spring flooding. Our corn is drying out and getting ready to be harvested. Did you know that usually only one ear grows on each stalk? What a lot of work, but I am sure there is a reason for that. It seemed so odd when I consider the abundance on an apple or cherry tree.

And don't forget the AQS Quilt Show in Des Moines, Iowa from October 8-11, 2008.
I'll be there--will you?

May your autumn, wherever you are, be bountiful with color and cool nights for sweet dreams.

1 comment:

Kay Koeper Sorensen said...

HI Carlene,
I read your entire blog and checked every quilt on your website.
It was just like being with you and the Thread bears.