Monday, March 30, 2015


Currently my sewing room 
is being repainted, 
rearranged and redecorated.  
This was initiated after (I believe) 
my cat, Bobbin jumped on 
a 30-year-old bookcase shelf. 
I found a shelf of books 
on the floor one morning.
It was the final straw.
I was prompted to act.
So I accepted the help of friends, 
hired a painter and the project took off.  
I will send photos when it is completed.

The downside is that 
nearly everything I use to quilt 
is covered, packed up 
and stored up in various areas.

I really miss my piecing therapy.  

Yesterday I pinned a small quilt 
on Roscoe (my Gammill Statler Stitcher) 
and long armed it.
It is not squared off, 
but it won't be until the sewing room is back!
So here is a preview.

This quilt was a mystery quilt 
at Scrap Happy Quilt Guild 
around five years ago.
Audria Humphreys and I chose it.  
Honestly I don't think 
it was very popular with the group, 
but we liked it.

That reminds me 
I have yet to start my 2015 Mystery Quilt. 
And the quilt room renovation 
will only delay me further.
But to be honest, 
I haven't even picked out my fabrics yet.

Hope you are not as far behind as I am.

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